Dr.Eda Elif Tibet
Blog Entries
I am a storyteller and a strategist working at the intersections of mobility justice, systems change and just conservation. I use my own signatory multimodal approach towards empowering individuals, organisations and leaders.
Dr.Eda Elif Tibet is an award winning documentary filmmaker and an anthropologist. She is a postdoctoral researcher at the Wyss Academy working on Just Conservation and Biodiversity Governance at UniBern. She also leads her own independent applied research initiative "Animating the Commons" hosted at the Critical Sustainability Unit.
Forming unorthodox coalitions and building alliances Eda supports and consults social businesses, organizations, NGOs and individuals, in various capacities. She is recognized to be a trailblazing engaged anthropologist by the Swiss Anthropology Association’s Interface Commission.
Eda holds a postdoctoral fellowship from the University of Oxford, a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) funded PhD in Social Anthropology from UniBern and an Mphil from the University of Kent.
She is the founder of trailblazing initiatives such as KarmaMotion through which she produces doc films around the world , EthnoKino where she directs and curates a film festival in Bern and the anchor and producer of the first contemporary anthropology TV programme in Turkey called #Antropolojik at Habitat TV;